How to get started in Android Development

Nowadays, we all have smartphones with lots of applications. But has anyone considered how that app may be developed? If someone wants to create an app, how can he do so and what resources would be needed? All of this information is provided here.


Android is the most popular Operating System in the world and has more than 70% market share. Android Development is the process of making applications that can run on Android devices, it can be Android smartphones, smartwatches, or smart TVs. In this blog, we will learn about Android app development in smartphones.

Android software development Kit (SDK) is the collection of libraries, tools and frameworks that we need to create Apps. Android SDK is compatible with Linux, macOS and Windows. Google updates the Android SDK from time to time with new features.

What you should know before starting to learn Android App Development?

Basic Knowledge of programming: The native approach to developing apps is with Java/Kotlin. Here we have complete control over the apps we are creating. For many years Java was being used for Android development. In 2016, Google named Kotlin its official language for Android development. Even though Kotlin has been made the official language, still java is widely used in Android. You need to have at least basic knowledge of Java or Kotlin for developing Android Apps. Topics like Data-types, Loops, Arrays, Lists and OOPs are most important for Android development. Java and Kotlin both are excellent for Android app development, but If you don’t have any knowledge of programming I will say go for Kotlin because code in Kotlin is shorter than java and you can learn Kotlin in much faster than Java. In past few few years Google has also introduced tons of feature for android development in Kotlin that cannot be used in Java.

That’s all. If you understand the fundamental concepts of Java or Kotlin, you are ready to dive into Android development. Android development is a large subject with many topics, thus learning them all may take some time. So be patient while you learn it.

You can also create Android apps using Flutter. In Flutter, Dart programming language is used. It is well-known for developing cross-platform applications for both Android and iOS. We can also use React Native for developing cross-platform Applications.

How I started Android development?

Creating Android Apps sounds so cool. I had the same thinking, however, that as beautiful as it looks from the outside, it is equally challenging from the inside.
When I first started, I knew nothing except a little bit of Java. Starting Android development seemed so difficult to me that I thought I should move to another field. Because I had to learn many things in it like manifest files, gradle, dependencies, layout files, etc. But I broke all these concepts into small parts and started learning slowly and I learned a lot.

I used Youtube tutorials for starters . After learning basics of Android, I visited documentations of Android, it gives more deep knowledge on specific topics.

From my experience, you do not need to be familiar with all topics at first. Simply focus on XML and Java or Kotlin files at first, and then gradually expand your exploration.

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