Get started with the Microsoft Azure developer league and win prizes with your innovative projects

 Have you ever wondered about learning Microsoft Azure and also get motivated over the weekend and start with few videos and articles and by the next week, your motivation got lost and by the next month you forgot about everything which you have started.

Don’t worry we all have done the same thing once in a while. but this time Microsoft brings up a unique challenge which will help to get the hands on practice on azure along with in-depth concepts with a bonus of winning prizes after completion of courses.

This is the best time to invest in your learning and getting started on cloud based solutions.

let’s get started with the stuff which you have to do for that – 

Go to – Azure Developer League

There you have to follow these steps – 

  • Create a Microsoft Learn account
  • Signup for Azure league program
  • Choose your skills
Skills which you can learn – 
  • Azure Administrator
  • DevOps and Github
  • Cloud Security
  • Well Architectured applications
  • Data Science and AI
  • Cloud Native Development
  • Azure for Developers
So, lets get started with with this amazing opportunity and brush up your skills.

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